xmr-stak настройка config файла devfee 0


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xmr-stak настройка config файла devfee 0 батника amd nvidia интенсивности
Поскольку XMR перешли на 8 версию алгоритма, а клеймор ее еще не поддерживает, пришлось сменить майнер на xmr-stack. Долго искал на просторах интернета как его правильно запустить и настроить для своих стареньких радеонов 7950 и 280x, но толком так ничего и не нашел. Пришлось ковырять самому.
Майнер качал с оф ветки тут github.com/fireice-uk/xmr-stak/releases
Скачал распаковал на рабочий стол.

update от 11,12,2018 - по моему мнению самая удачная версия майнера оказалась 2.6.0, потому что на 2.7.1 скорость оказалась меньше.

Вот сам майнер xmr-stak devfee 0 версия 2.6.0, дев фи 0% https://mega.nz/#!tTYgWAQD!qjv1f3CaHf2KM-Fhl7iAVrPhs1zVPbp2iWfJg4qv5h4

На удивление настройка майнера оказалась очень простой.
1. Просто запускаем файл xmr-stak
2. После запуска программа попросит нажать 0
3. Далее копируем название алгоритма который будете майнить, вставляете снизу в окно жмете ентер,
4. Майнер запросит ввести адрес пула, я ввел cryptonightv8.eu.nicehash.com:3367 так как майню на найсе,
5. Далее вводим логин, это ваш адрес кошелька,
6. После вводим пароль х
7. Поле рига можно оставить пустым, просто нажимаем энтер,
8. Так же программа спросит хотите ли вы получить максимальный хешрейт Y/N, я выбрал Y да и нажал энтер
9. После программа спросила использовать мультипул? я выбрал N нет.
Ждем пока майнер создаст конфиги, бинарники после чего автоматически запустится майнинг на ваших видеокартах и процессоре.
Для вывода хешрейта просто нажмите клавишу h.
Так же я заметил, что если майнит еще и сам процессор, то хешрейт на видеокартах занижается, поэтому я его просто отключил. Для отключения достаточно оставить в файле cpu строку "cpu_threads_conf" : null
В итоге я получил с 280 и 7950 около 450 хешей с карты и с одной 7870 я получил 270 хешей. Почти так же как и было на 7 версии алгоритма.
Кому что будет не понятно, пишите в этой теме постараюсь помочь =)


Команда форума
Re: xmr-stak настройка config файла

<r>Может кому пригодится, прикреплю примеры своих конфигов для майнера.<br/>
Файл AMD.txt
<SPOILER spoiler="Файл AMD.txt"><s>
</s>// generated by xmr-stak/2.5.1/4e72408ff/master/win/nvidia-amd-cpu/20

 * GPU configuration. You should play around with intensity and worksize as the fastest settings will vary.
 * index         - GPU index number usually starts from 0
 * intensity     - Number of parallel GPU threads (nothing to do with CPU threads)
 * worksize      - Number of local GPU threads (nothing to do with CPU threads)
 * affine_to_cpu - This will affine the thread to a CPU. This can make a GPU miner play along nicer with a CPU miner.
 * strided_index - switch memory pattern used for the scratch pad memory
 *                 2 = chunked memory, chunk size is controlled by 'mem_chunk'
 *                     required: intensity must be a multiple of worksize
 *                 1 or true  = use 16byte contiguous memory per thread, the next memory block has offset of intensity blocks
 *                             (for cryptonight_v8 and monero it is equal to strided_index = 0)
 *                 0 or false = use a contiguous block of memory per thread
 * mem_chunk     - range 0 to 18: set the number of elements (16byte) per chunk
 *                 this value is only used if 'strided_index' == 2
 *                 element count is computed with the equation: 2 to the power of 'mem_chunk' e.g. 4 means a chunk of 16 elements(256byte)
 * unroll        - allow to control how often the POW main loop is unrolled; valid range [1;128) - for most OpenCL implementations it must be a power of two.
 * comp_mode     - Compatibility enable/disable the automatic guard around compute kernel which allows
 *                 to use a intensity which is not the multiple of the worksize.
 *                 If you set false and the intensity is not multiple of the worksize the miner can crash:
 *                 in this case set the intensity to a multiple of the worksize or activate comp_mode.
 * "gpu_threads_conf" :
 * [
 *	{ "index" : 0, "intensity" : 1000, "worksize" : 8, "affine_to_cpu" : false,
 *    "strided_index" : true, "mem_chunk" : 2, "unroll" : 8, "comp_mode" : true },
 * ],
 * If you do not wish to mine with your AMD GPU(s) then use:
 * "gpu_threads_conf" :
 * null,

"gpu_threads_conf" : [
  // gpu: Pitcairn memory:1664
  // compute units: 20
  { "index" : 0,
    "intensity" : 800, "worksize" : 8,
    "affine_to_cpu" : false, "strided_index" : 2, "mem_chunk" : 2,
    "unroll" : 8, "comp_mode" : true
  // gpu: Tahiti memory:2688
  // compute units: 28
  { "index" : 1,
    "intensity" : 896, "worksize" : 8,
    "affine_to_cpu" : false, "strided_index" : 2, "mem_chunk" : 2,
    "unroll" : 8, "comp_mode" : true
  // gpu: Tahiti memory:2688
  // compute units: 28
  { "index" : 2,
    "intensity" : 896, "worksize" : 8,
    "affine_to_cpu" : false, "strided_index" : 2, "mem_chunk" : 2,
    "unroll" : 8, "comp_mode" : true
  // gpu: Tahiti memory:2688
  // compute units: 28
  { "index" : 3,
    "intensity" : 896, "worksize" : 8,
    "affine_to_cpu" : false, "strided_index" : 2, "mem_chunk" : 2,
    "unroll" : 8, "comp_mode" : true


 * Platform index. This will be 0 unless you have different OpenCL platform - eg. AMD and Intel.
"platform_index" : 0,

Файл Config.txt
<SPOILER spoiler="Файл Config.txt"><s>
</s>// generated by xmr-stak/2.5.1/4e72408ff/master/win/nvidia-amd-cpu/20

 * Network timeouts.
 * Because of the way this client is written it doesn't need to constantly talk (keep-alive) to the server to make
 * sure it is there. We detect a buggy / overloaded server by the call timeout. The default values will be ok for
 * nearly all cases. If they aren't the pool has most likely overload issues. Low call timeout values are preferable -
 * long timeouts mean that we waste hashes on potentially stale jobs. Connection report will tell you how long the
 * server usually takes to process our calls.
 * call_timeout - How long should we wait for a response from the server before we assume it is dead and drop the connection.
 * retry_time	- How long should we wait before another connection attempt.
 *                Both values are in seconds.
 * giveup_limit - Limit how many times we try to reconnect to the pool. Zero means no limit. Note that stak miners
 *                don't mine while the connection is lost, so your computer's power usage goes down to idle.
"call_timeout" : 10,
"retry_time" : 30,
"giveup_limit" : 0,

 * Output control.
 * Since most people are used to miners printing all the time, that's what we do by default too. This is suboptimal
 * really, since you cannot see errors under pages and pages of text and performance stats. Given that we have internal
 * performance monitors, there is very little reason to spew out pages of text instead of concise reports.
 * Press 'h' (hashrate), 'r' (results) or 'c' (connection) to print reports.
 * verbose_level - 0 - Don't print anything.
 *                 1 - Print intro, connection event, disconnect event
 *                 2 - All of level 1, and new job (block) event if the difficulty is different from the last job
 *                 3 - All of level 1, and new job (block) event in all cases, result submission event.
 *                 4 - All of level 3, and automatic hashrate report printing
 * print_motd    - Display messages from your pool operator in the hashrate result.
"verbose_level" : 3,
"print_motd" : true,

 * Automatic hashrate report
 * h_print_time - How often, in seconds, should we print a hashrate report if verbose_level is set to 4.
 *                This option has no effect if verbose_level is not 4.
"h_print_time" : 60,

 * Manual hardware AES override
 * Some VMs don't report AES capability correctly. You can set this value to true to enforce hardware AES or
 * to false to force disable AES or null to let the miner decide if AES is used.
 * WARNING: setting this to true on a CPU that doesn't support hardware AES will crash the miner.
"aes_override" : null,

 * Large pages need a properly set up OS. It can be difficult if you are not used to systems administration,
 * but the performance results are worth the trouble - you will get around 20% boost. Slow memory mode is
 * meant as a backup, you won't get stellar results there. If you are running into trouble, especially
 * on Windows, please read the common issues in the README and FAQ.
 * By default we will try to allocate large pages. This means you need to "Run As Administrator" on Windows.
 * You need to edit your system's group policies to enable locking large pages. Here are the steps from MSDN
 * 1. On the Start menu, click Run. In the Open box, type gpedit.msc.
 * 2. On the Local Group Policy Editor console, expand Computer Configuration, and then expand Windows Settings.
 * 3. Expand Security Settings, and then expand Local Policies.
 * 4. Select the User Rights Assignment folder.
 * 5. The policies will be displayed in the details pane.
 * 6. In the pane, double-click Lock pages in memory.
 * 7. In the Local Security Setting – Lock pages in memory dialog box, click Add User or Group.
 * 8. In the Select Users, Service Accounts, or Groups dialog box, add an account that you will run the miner on
 * 9. Reboot for change to take effect.
 * Windows also tends to fragment memory a lot. If you are running on a system with 4-8GB of RAM you might need
 * to switch off all the auto-start applications and reboot to have a large enough chunk of contiguous memory.
 * use_slow_memory defines our behaviour with regards to large pages. There are three possible options here:
 * always  - Don't even try to use large pages. Always use slow memory.
 * warn    - We will try to use large pages, but fall back to slow memory if that fails.
 * never   - If we fail to allocate large pages we will print an error and exit.
"use_slow_memory" : "warn",

 * TLS Settings
 * If you need real security, make sure tls_secure_algo is enabled (otherwise MITM attack can downgrade encryption
 * to trivially breakable stuff like DES and MD5), and verify the server's fingerprint through a trusted channel.
 * tls_secure_algo - Use only secure algorithms. This will make us quit with an error if we can't negotiate a secure algo.
"tls_secure_algo" : true,

 * Daemon mode
 * If you are running the process in the background and you don't need the keyboard reports, set this to true.
 * This should solve the hashrate problems on some emulated terminals.
"daemon_mode" : false,

 * Output file
 * output_file  - This option will log all output to a file.
"output_file" : "",

 * Built-in web server
 * I like checking my hashrate on my phone. Don't you?
 * Keep in mind that you will need to set up port forwarding on your router if you want to access it from
 * outside of your home network. Ports lower than 1024 on Linux systems will require root.
 * httpd_port - Port we should listen on. Default, 0, will switch off the server.
"httpd_port" : 0,

 * HTTP Authentication
 * This allows you to set a password to keep people on the Internet from snooping on your hashrate.
 * Keep in mind that this is based on HTTP Digest, which is based on MD5. To a determined attacker
 * who is able to read your traffic it is as easy to break a bog door latch.
 * http_login - Login. Empty login disables authentication.
 * http_pass  - Password.
"http_login" : "",
"http_pass" : "",

 * prefer_ipv4 - IPv6 preference. If the host is available on both IPv4 and IPv6 net, which one should be choose?
 *               This setting will only be needed in 2020's. No need to worry about it now.
"prefer_ipv4" : true,

Файл pools.txt
<SPOILER spoiler="Файл pools.txt"><s>
</s>// generated by xmr-stak/2.5.1/4e72408ff/master/win/nvidia-amd-cpu/20

 * pool_address    - Pool address should be in the form "pool.supportxmr.com:3333". Only stratum pools are supported.
 * wallet_address  - Your wallet, or pool login.
 * rig_id          - Rig identifier for pool-side statistics (needs pool support).
 * pool_password   - Can be empty in most cases or "x".
 * use_nicehash    - Limit the nonce to 3 bytes as required by nicehash.
 * use_tls         - This option will make us connect using Transport Layer Security.
 * tls_fingerprint - Server's SHA256 fingerprint. If this string is non-empty then we will check the server's cert against it.
 * pool_weight     - Pool weight is a number telling the miner how important the pool is. Miner will mine mostly at the pool
 *                   with the highest weight, unless the pool fails. Weight must be an integer larger than 0.
 * We feature pools up to 1MH/s. For a more complete list see M5M400's pool list at www.moneropools.com

"pool_list" :
	{"pool_address" : "cryptonightv8.eu.nicehash.com:3367", "wallet_address" : "ваш адрес кошелька", "rig_id" : "", "pool_password" : "x", "use_nicehash" : true, "use_tls" : false, "tls_fingerprint" : "", "pool_weight" : 1 },

 * Currency to mine. Supported values:
 *    aeon7 (use this for Aeon's new PoW)
 *    bbscoin (automatic switch with block version 3 to cryptonight_v7)
 *    bittube (uses cryptonight_bittube2 algorithm)
 *    graft
 *    haven (automatic switch with block version 3 to cryptonight_haven)
 *    intense
 *    masari
 *    monero (use this to support Monero's Oct 2018 fork)
 *    qrl - Quantum Resistant Ledger
 *    ryo
 *    turtlecoin
 * Native algorithms which not depends on any block versions:
 *    # 1MiB scratchpad memory
 *    cryptonight_lite
 *    cryptonight_lite_v7
 *    cryptonight_lite_v7_xor (algorithm used by ipbc)
 *    # 2MiB scratchpad memory
 *    cryptonight
 *    cryptonight_v7
 *    cryptonight_v8
 *    # 4MiB scratchpad memory
 *    cryptonight_bittube2
 *    cryptonight_haven
 *    cryptonight_heavy

"currency" : "cryptonight_v8",

Файл cpu.txt
<SPOILER spoiler="Файл cpu.txt"><s>
</s>"cpu_threads_conf" : null<e>


Команда форума
Re: xmr-stak настройка config файла

<t>В шапку темы добавил ссылку на майнер xmr-stak devfee 0.</t>